Sunday 10 October 2010

Impromptu site meeting

Sacred Wing practicing within the main hall

During site and community centre research today I bumped into Steve whilst photographing the front facade and was invited to meet and converse with a choral group (sacred wing) who were practicing for the All Hallows Church Christmas Service. I had a chance to speak with the group prior to practice and some comments from the discussion were;

  • none of the choral group were part of the worshipping community
  • All Hallows was seen as a community hub where the faith element was down played
  • there is not enough natural or artificial lighting to illuminate a musical score
  • sunlight through the main window of the hall was used as a gauge for the passing seasons
  • most members arrive via car-sharing therefore the car-park is a valuable resource for this activity group
  • thought that the administrative areas of the building were cold and unfriendly

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