Friday 15 October 2010

I'll take the blue pill please Morpheus

The group meeting today was to clarify a organisational schedule for the upcoming visit and design workshop within All Hallows. The agenda is as follows;

  • 8:30am Meet at Sheffield Station
  • 10am - 12pm Participation activities (community group) and setting up of events by other groups (site and building)
  • 12pm - 1 pm Lunch
  • 1pm - 5pm Design development, filling in the matrix (2hour idea documentation + short break + 2hour strategy documentation)
  • 5pm - 6pm Dinner
  • 6pm - 10pm Design development, developing the possible design strategies from the previous matrix documentation

  • 10:30am All Hallows Church service
  • 12pm - 1pm Conversation, participation, coffee and tea with the worshipping community
  • 1pm - ?pm Participation activities, packaging and clear up of resources
  • ?pm Train back to Sheffield Station

The meeting also involved discussions on the types participation activities that will be undertaken and whereabouts these will be. Ranging from the wearing of interactive t-shirts to the placement of inquisitive questions within the urban environment.

Resolution was made upon how the project will be guided, through the development of a matrix to provide a focus on certain key issues. This matrix will be a tool to aid the PCC in understanding possible avenues of development as a result of funding and business model choices.

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