Donations? Fixed fees?
Interesting meeting (...at times) in the studio today. A lot was covered, it is now time to generate the work for Mondays revision and amalgamation of the results. Discussion was had on the a series of issues relating to the interconnectivity of each groups work and the a critique session ensued.
From this, we decided that the storage wall will take a different form on the inside of the church hall to its face upon the corridor, it will provide a series of functions (to be determined from necessity and requirements from the research the community group is doing) and will have different profile throughout the building, encapsulating the entranceway so the occupant enters through the thickened wall. For this to be done it was discussed that an itinerary of existing furniture was required to move forward.
Further investigation was required on the chapel with attempts to make the space more flexible, multi-functional, tactile, atmospheric etc. with an understanding of the intentions behind the proposals produced. This could be investigated through the making of a 1:20 model
Site proposals
Investigation in to the ways of ascending the topography (from the back of the church) was required.
A more fluid and less formal landscaping strategy for the back of the church was discussed along with alternative suggestions for the front landscaping (including making the space more temporal, less formal, having an intimate space within the memorial garden and extending the memorial garden)
A window strategy was unresolved for the rear of the church
If you feel something is missing, please edit the post.
I would just like to update everyone on the fact that in order to preserve the peace of the couple-life, I am doing the model of the chapel, while peter and qi are working on the wall. So the communication team should referm to them to inform the elements of the wall.