Friday, 22 October 2010

Funding document skeleton proposal

Another thing to think about over the weekend is the structure of the document(s) we will produce. I previously suggested two documents for the hand-in:
  1. a funding document - including a business plan, context of organisation strategy, a template for individual funding proposals and timeline of suggestive proposals (if possible)
  2. a process document - including documentation of working techniques (participation, meetings, discussions with external parties, events, blog etc.), all of the options, their testing, possible avenues of funding for these options and how we produced their business plan

I have produced a skeleton contents list for the funding document and it would be great to get everyones opinion on additions and subtractions of it: (all text in this colour will be completed by the church in relation to what amount of funding they are looking for in relation to sets of proposals we provide)
  1. Vision of the church - What funding / time is required to create this vision, why is the church applying for funding
  2. Overview of the church - What is the churches ethos - What the church provides the community with, activities, solace, belonging - The relevance of the church within the community and why it is important to retain and expand upon the social uses of the spaces
  3. Analysis of the church - The proposed organisational strategy / business plan of the church, their analysis of local community centres and religious institutions, SWOT (strengths weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, PEST (political, economic, social, technological) analysis of the area, the expertise of the church in relation to the prior analysis
  4. Funding requirements - Financial breakdown of the company, past funding schemes / grants applied for / received, what the proposed funding / grant would be used for, the proposed outcomes from the funding and a timeline for of the proposal
  5. Implementation - How this work would be carried out and how the work would be sustained
  6. Conclusion - What outcomes wold be expected from this
  7. People / Acknowledgements - An image of the PCC and small descriptions of them and their interests

Everyones opinions on the structure of the document is critical to getting this right, so comments should be made on the proposals please. I will look at the layout of the process document over the weekend if I have time.

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