Sunday 24 October 2010

Business plan example?

From the heated discussion on Friday about, who pays for the resource? All or none, the Woodhouse Community Centre has an interesting business model which is worth a quick peek, where some pay for membership to certain classes, others use the facilities for free, some volunteer for work on a casual and long term basis whilst others, permanent staff are paid flat rate per hour.


  1. I think it's an interesting model, and definitely useful to think about in relation to All Hallows, Thanks Tim!

  2. Hello Dude,

    What a great plan! You have provided an informative circle diagram for business plan example. Business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. Thanks a lot...

  3. Hello,

    Really its a great business plan by you. An important part of planning your business entails knowing the key things that can tell you when you have reached your goals, which indicators or milestones that measure your business achievements and help determine how well you are progressing towards your goals and objectives. Thanks a lot!
