Friday 8 October 2010

Artist meeting and participation

Rear of All Hallow's Church

We had the chance today to visit the site and understand its social, physical and environmental context in more detail.

Approach from the adjacent park Construction of mosque

Social activity outside the buildings boundary Visual restriction of the window guards

Sanctioning of social interaction Some 'typical' locals

After this we met with the resident artists of All Hallow's Church, Trish and Simon, to comprehend the work they have done for the church and to get a more encompassing view of the tensions within the building and their emotional reading of the spaces and the meanings they provide. We were grateful that Trish and Simon allowed us to converse with the participants of their dance group, providing us with an insight into some of their initial impressions and their emotional response to the spaces within the building, many of which commented on the buildings confused spatial meaning and sequencing, giving a sense that they believed the building itself did not initially seem welcoming but after consistent usage the building acquired new meanings through social and physical associations and participation.

Active participation from the group

We then had a discussion about what each sub-group should produce for Mondays internal meeting, focusing on;

  1. the consolidation of all previous research
  2. each individuals interpretation of the client brief
  3. suggestions for project progression

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